Friday, June 12, 2009

Workplace Ministry

We were invited to the home of Chris and Sharon Atkins for dinner on Wednesday evening. They live directly across the road from Anne's house, where we stayed in Sheffield. They are a lovely, youthful couple (who, we discovered, are about the same age as us) who live in a lovely, but modest house.

As we got to know each other over dinner, I asked them what they did. "I'm a medical doctor" Chris said, and Sharon works in his practice. My first thought is that they don't have the kind of lifestyle I'd associate with a physician.

Chris has been released by the church to develop a ministry in his own medical practice. He takes time with each patient to talk to them about how they are doing, about the pain in their hearts as well as the pain their bodies. He waits for God to open doors of opportunity and inner healing as he develops relationships with his patients. He pursues a holistic model of healing.

He also has a chaplain in his practice who is available for a deeper level of listening and counselling.

Chris and Sharon have relinquished their leadership roles in the life of the congregation to devote their energy to developing this workplace ministry. It's a new model that St. Thomas is pursuing of encouraging people to see their workplace as the location of their mission. People spend 75% of their waking hours at work, so it makes sense for Christians to see work as the place where they live out their faith.

We also found out that Chris and Sharon have a daughter named Miriam!

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