Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting Started

Sometimes we make hasty decisions -- buying cars, or houses for example. God is good, and usually it works out.

In March, we both decided to take a three month sabbatical. Then we asked, "What will we do with our time?" I checked with my friend, Greg Reader, who worked as a missionary in Eastern Europe for 15 years. "Do you still know people there?" I asked. "Sure, lots," he replied. And that's how it started.

We got in touch with people in the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria who are planting and leading churches and started putting together an itinerary. Then we began following up on leads we know of in England, and pretty soon we had a two-month trip.

Our purpose is to experience innovative and creative forms of Christian community in these contexts that are different enough to be interesting, but similar enough to provide comparisons. I (Paul) have this theory, for instance, that looking at the church in Britain is like looking a couple of generations into the future. The decline of the traditional church is more advanced, but there are more fascinating new things taking root amid the ruins. In other words, Canada in 20 or 30 years.

We fly out on June 1. We've got places booked, but also blank spaces to leave room for the Spirit. We'll keep everyone posted.